Friday, September 28, 2012

Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare

Fennel Benefits (Foeniculum vulgare)  by Minnie W. Shuler, MS

Rich in phytoestrogens, Fennel is often used for colic, wind, irritable bowel, kidneys, spleen, liver, lungs, suppressing appetite, breast enlargement, promoting menstruation, improving digestive system, milk flow and increasing urine flow. Fennel is also commonly used to treat amenhorrea, angina, asthma, anxiety, depression, heartburn, water retention, lower blood pressure, boost libido, respiratory congestion, coughs and has been indicated for high blood pressure and to boost sexual desire.
Fennel is a useful addition to any of the Breast Enlargement herbs and has an impressive number of other health benefits.
Fennel is also commonly used to treat amenhorrea, angina, asthma, heartburn, high blood pressure and to boost sexual desire. Fennel is a mild appetite suppressant and is used to improve the kidneys, spleen, liver and lungs.
Fennel is an effective treatment for respiratory congestion and is a common ingredient in cough remedies.
It is also used for cancer patients after radiation and chemotherapy treatments to help rebuild the digestive system. Fennel relaxes the smooth muscle lining the digestive tract (making it an antispasmodic). It also helps expel gas.
It is a tested remedy for gas, acid stomach, gout, cramps, colic and spasms. Fennel seed ground and made into tea is believed to be good for snake bites, insect bites or food poisoning. Excellent for obesity. It increases the flow of urine. It is gargled for hoarseness and sore throats.
Anciently, fennel tea was used before meals to reduce appetite.  It has long been hailed as useful in weight reduction and nibbled like celery to curb the appetite.  It has a slightly licorice taste.  Fennel should not be used during pregnancy. Personally, I substituted fennel for the drug triamter-HCTZ dosage 75-50 m per day for fluid retention and high blood pressure.  It was entirely suitable.  I replace it with 3 size 00 capsules of fennel per day.  I was much happier with the results.  I believe this drug is called maxide.
Fennel is a useful cooking herb.  There are many recipes available that utilize fennel.  All of the plant is edible

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